Light table recommendations : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Does anyone have any recommendations on light tables ? I would like to get one that would hold at least two mounted rolls of slides...about 72+...and have even lighting extending to the edges. Thanks

-- George L. Doolittle (, April 28, 2002


Sounds like TWO of these ctivator__Aproductlist_html___117114___POLB12142WC___REG___CatID=1558_ __SID=EDB62178170

Thats the PortaTrace Oak Frame 12"x14" (6x7 rows of 2"x2" mounts). Price is nice at $70ish (US).

I like mine! (I only have one though)

-- Charles (, April 28, 2002.

I've used the DW Viewbox for years. Well built, they have everything from 8X10 boxes to complete lab retouching stations. One hint. For a slight additional charge they will supply it with a glass cover plate over the frosted acrylic. If you do any amount of custom slide work that may entail stripping either the slides or the rubylith tape the glass is a godsend.

-- Bob Todrick (, April 28, 2002.

If you have the room for one, you might consider purchasing a used, freestanding light table (they come in many different sizes from about 3 feet x 3 feet up) from a printer/color seperator/film output house. They are a joy to use and can cost less than large tabletop lightables. You can spread out a lot of film and slides. It makes sorting through the thousands of slides you forgot to systematically file throughout you life a heck of a lot easier. Ask around locally and you may be surprised at what is available.

-- Jim Lennon (, April 28, 2002.

I have used Kaiser Slimlite, colour temperature is very accurate. See Regards,

-- tom tong (, April 28, 2002.

my kaiser pro-lite basic serves me well for many years now. i am still on my first tubes.

-- stefan randlkofer (, April 29, 2002.

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