Opinion on Agfa Vista 800 and Konica Centuria Super 800?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Anyone used either of these films? (Note that the Konica is the latest incarnation.) How do you like them?

-- Andrew (mazurka@rocketmail.com), April 27, 2002


I've only used Vista 400, which I like because it's cheap, has realistic (Reala-like) colors, & fine grain.

-- Chris Chen (Wash., DC) (furcafe@NOSPAMcris.com), April 27, 2002.

I tried the Agfa 800 at a night-time outdoor performance. Not bad, but quite grainy compared with 400. Partly this was my fault for not getting the exposure bang-on for each shot - print films hate under-exposure. Fuji 800 has a good reputation. Why not try all three?

-- David Killick (dalex@inet.net.nz), April 27, 2002.

Although I haven't used the "Super" incarnation of Centuria, I used its predecessor, and I was totally turned off. I haven't seen a film that bad since the original Gold Max 800. The colors were washed out, the grain was way too much, and it just didn't live up to my standards (For me, Superia X-Tra 800 with the 4th color layer is my fave in this speed.)

I also tried Walgreen's Studio 35 800 (just their rebadged Vista 800), and while I liked the colors a lot better, it was still kinda grainy. I have to shoot this one again, though; I'm willing to give it a second chance.

-- Larry Wilson (dukat84@hotmail.com), June 20, 2002.

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