Crafting Hint of the Day - Playdough Recipes - Including Peanut Butter and Coffee Playdough! : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
PLAYDOUGH FUN!!! Uncooked Playdough
1 Cup salt
2 Cups flour
1 Cup water with a few drops of vegetable coloring added
2 tablespoons cooking oilMix together salt and flour and oil. Gradually add liquid. Add enough flour to have firm, pliable dough. Knead as for bread. Store in plastic bag. Keep in fridge. Lasts for weeks.
Cooked Playdough
1 cup flour
1 cup of water
1/2 cup of salt
2 tablespoons cream of tarter
1 tablespoon of oilCook these ingredients until it forms a ball in the pan. Cover with a damp cloth. Add food coloring if you like. Store new play dough in the fridge in an air-tight container.
Salt Playdough
1 cup water
1 cup salt
1/2 cup flour
food coloringMix ingredients in pan. Add food coloring. Stir on low heat. When it thickens remove from heat. Put some on waxed paper on floured surface and roll out. Cut out objects. Air dry objects few days. Store unused portion in air-tight container.
Koolaide Playdough I
3 cups flour
1/2 cups salt
2 koolaide packages
2cups boiling waterMix flour, salt, and koolaid together. Add boiling water. Knead on foured board. Sprinkle four on until desired consistency. Store in a air tight container in the refrigerator.
Koolaide Playdough II
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
3 tbsp. oil
1 pkg. of koolaid
1/2 cup water
Just mix everything together. Keep it in the refigerator in a air tight container. If it gets sticky just add some flour.Peanut Butter Playdough (edible)
3 1/2 cups creamy peanut butter
4 cups powdered sugar
4 cups powdered milk
3 1/2 cups corn syrupMix ingredients by hand. Can decorate with sprinkles, m&m's,etc.
Oatmeal Buddy Playdough (edible)
2 cups smooth peanut butter
2 cups rolled oats
2 cups powdered milk
2/3 cups of honeyMix ingredients until all is combined. Wash hands. Lay down wax paper. Let the children play. Store in air-tight container. (Variations are Rice Krispies, Coconut Sprinkles, Chocolate chips, Red hots, etc....)
Cloud Playdough
1 cup water
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
6 cups flour
Food coloringAdd a few drops of food coloring to water. Combine water, oil and flour in a large bowl. Knead well. Add more water if necessary in small amounts until the dough is soft and stretchy. Cloud dough should be used on a washable surface for it is very greasy.
Coffee Playdough
4 cups unsifted all purpose flour
1 cup salt
1/4 cup instant coffee
1 1/2 cups warm waterDissolve the coffee in the warm water. In another bowl, mix the flour and the salt. Make a well and add 1 cup of coffee water as needed: dough should be smooth and not sticky or crumbling. Store in air-tight container. When your done making figures, bake in oven for 1 hour at 300 degrees or until hard. A coat or two of shellac keeps it well preserved for longer lasting gifts. Enjoy!
Fruit Playdough
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
4 tablespoons cream of tarter
2 cups of boiling water
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
3 oz. package sugar-free fruit flavored gelatinMix dry ingredients in pan. Add the water and oil. Stir over medium heat until mixture forms a ball. Pour onto a sheet of wax paper.
Playdough Songs (Sung to Row, Row, Row your boat)
Squish, Squish, Squish your play dough,
Squish it everywhere,
Roll it up and cut it out,
But don’t put it in your hair!(Sung to Here we go round the Mulberry Bush)
This is the way I roll my play dough, roll my play dough, roll my play dough;
This is the way I roll my play dough
With my rolling pin.This is the way I knead my play dough…..
With my little handsThis is the way I cut my play dough…….
With a cookie cutter.This is the way I shape my play dough…….
Into a great big snowman.(Sung to I’m A Little Teapot)
I’m a piece of play dough, look at me
I am soft and smooth as can be,
Squish me up and roll me or cut me out,
Making funny things is what I’m about.
-- Karen (, April 27, 2002