Time to unload my collectables ( one man's junk is ) ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Frankly, we have outgrown my priceless collection of assorted Homesteading needs. So we are offering up for sale(or trade) many items that we once considered keepables.

2 Warm Morning wood Stoves with 6 inch round flues

1 pot belly coal stove with 8 inch egg shaped flue

1 10 inch table saw circa 1950

1 scroll saw on iron legs circa 1950 ( 100 lbs )

1 variable speed drill press circa 1960 ( 200lbs)

1 upright piano circa 1920 in need of repair

1 complete home rubber stamp making business circa 1970

This is getting old as the items ---so just e-mail me and ask me if I got one or some and we will barter. Everything goes from 20 gas cans to a mile of rope, 40 pieces of 30" x 30" inch antique glass, doors windows, antique hardware, a truck load of garden tools that need handles, a lead melting set and yes---"some of my guns" but nothing exotic.

-- Joel Rosen (JoelnBecky@webtv.net), April 27, 2002


In North Dakota Auction sales are big deals. If you had one and advertised that stuff the collectors would coma and you would make a killing! Or some might go on e-bay?

where are you? Is it actually antique glass? or just some old stuff you kaven't gotton around to? I wonder how a gal would ship that? Also, tell me more about the rubber stamp things, please. Do you have any useful(i.e. with the handles ON) forge tools? Ooooh, i wish I could wander through and see! I love to find useful old stuff!

-- Novina in ND (homespun@stellarnet.com), April 27, 2002.

If you are willing to deal with shipping, consider listing on eBay. If someone wants something bad enough, they will find a way to get it to them. Of course, some things wouldn't be suitable, such as most garden tools. Since most eBay users find items through key word searches, be very careful to detail what you have using as many key words as possible.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), April 27, 2002.

Novina, the glass is from 1898--1922 period. The wooden frames were not salvagable. The glass is wavy--not very clear to see through and thin. I acquired it when we replaced all the windows in this home.

The rubber stamp business has two huge heavy tables and one melts lead and forms letters. I have a few of the instruction manuals but I have never seen it in operation.I acquired it from a frend who's father passed away and he needed room in his garage !

I am not looking for a lot of money for these items-I am looking to down size and clean up my storage areas

-- Joel Rosen (JoelnBecky@webtv.net), April 27, 2002.

Can i ask where your located ?

-- Doc (thisisdoc@aol.com), April 27, 2002.

Near Roanoke, Virginia

-- Joel Rosen (JoelnBecky@webtv.net), April 27, 2002.

Is there a once-a-week flea market you can set up at in your general area? Perhaps load up a trailer so you don't have to keep loading and unloading. On larger items, you could take a display board with photographs. I doubt you will find much of a market for the old piano. I have been at several estate auctions which had ones which had been in storage for a while and they couldn't even be given away. Also ask around to see if there is a consignment auction in your area.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), April 28, 2002.

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