wobbly chick

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The babies came yesterday and all is well except one little guy of the Cornish Rock flavor. Yesterday he was getting trampled by all the others so I took him out and put him on his own. He doesn't seem to be able to walk very well, kinda stumbles around like he's drunk. He seems to be eating and drinking ok. Also, one of his eyes is closed. Other than the walking and eye he seems ok - peeps a lot, eats and drinks. When I pick him up he kicks his legs and they don't seem broken and they have a little strength to them. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Stace

-- Stacey (stacey@lakesideinternet.com), April 26, 2002


No chicken expert here Stacey but you do want to treat the eye. A little terramyacin opthalmic ointment, CHPC, whatever you have around for eyes. Usually just once will do it but keep a eye on it. Some people recommend a bit of sugar in the water and I think you just have to wait and see if this is going to be a "keeper" or not. There are always those who do not make it in commercially hatched runs. You might want to check in with the experts at www.poultryconnection.com and get their imput. Good luck, LQ

-- Little Quacker (carouselxing@juno.com), April 26, 2002.

Seems that the one eye not being open could be a contributing factor in his stumbling/drunken gait. Keep an eye on him, cause the increased peeping could indicate that he is in some distress, might put a couple of other chicks in with him, so he is not alone.

-- BC (desertdweller44@yahoo.com), April 26, 2002.

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