Red Raspberries plants to : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a great prolific red raspberry variety. It seems to grow well and give lots of berries. I would like to trade for other plants or trees. I would really like some grape vines if anyone would like to trade. I posted this several months ago and got a great response. All of the trades went well. Make an offer.
-- randy in central missouri (, April 25, 2002
Randy, I am currently in South Texas, and we have native muscadine grapes. I will be coming to Alton, Missouri in June. Can bring plants then or mail them to you.Rose
-- Rose (, April 26, 2002.
Some things I have to offer: Southern Live Oak seedlings, very small. Canna Lily, the large red variety (shoots and roots). White Phragmitis (a white colored bamboo, grows 12 feet tall and usually dies back every year... very stunning!) White Honeysuckle Bush Wild Taro (small variety of Elephant Ear)Hope some of these seem interesting! Let me know. Otter
-- otter360 (, April 29, 2002.