Quote for you to considergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This is a quote attributed to Henry Ford. I think you will like it."The land! That is where our roots are. There is the basis of our physical life. The farther we get away from the land, the greater our insecurity. From the land comes everything that supports life, everything we use for the service of physical life. The land has not collapsed or shrunk in either extent or productivity. It is there waiting to honor all the labor we are willing to invest in it, and able to tide us across any local dislocation of economic conditions. No unemployment insurance can be compared to an alliance between man and a plot of land."
-- Notforprint (Not@thekeyboard.com), April 25, 2002
Wonderful!!! Heard it before and love it again!!
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), April 25, 2002.
Ford was more responsible for people LEAVING the land than any other individual in history.
-- Gayle in KY (gayleannesmith@yahoo.com), April 25, 2002.
Wonderful quote -- but Gayle is right.
-- snoozy (bunny@northsound.net), April 25, 2002.
Gayle, I sure couldn't argue that point at all. Think of where the internal combustion engine and the automobile have gotten us.A mobile society that for the most part is never satisfied to stay home and enjoy conversation or neighbors.
Dependent upon foreign oil which has us in a heck of a mess.
Less labor pool needed because everything is automated or more efficient because of increased speed. Think of the rural letter carrier on a wagon vs. a speedier vehicle.
Small towns going by the wayside because farmers no longer need large families, thus smaller and smaller schools.,Also the kids moving away since there is nothing to hold them to the community since ol' dad can farm forever in the comfort of his tractor cab.
Kind of like one of those thoughts on the impact of plactics on us.
-- Notforprint (Not@5thekeyboard.com), April 25, 2002.
funny how something intended for good can be perverted by those who use it into something bad. I am sure that the person that though of the internet and forums like this never intended that people like me would get addicted and spend so much time in front of the computer screen that could be spent more usefully on the land. ;>)
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), April 26, 2002.
And this quote from a man who took the people off the land, put them in a factory in the city so they could have cash money to buy his product to scoot around the city buying the foodstuffs they no longer grow themselves because they live in the city so they can work for the man in order to have money to buy food and cars and pay the rent on the lot they live on in the city.....
-- Susan in Michigan (cobwoman@yahoo.com), April 26, 2002.
So Susan, "Who's on first?" lol.
-- Notforprint (Not@thekeyboard.com), April 27, 2002.
consider this: what if this planet runs out of oil completely in our lifetime? think of what a heck of mess that'll be! yikes!
-- juana (juana@simple-living.com), April 27, 2002.