My Babies Are Here!! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm so excited. My chicks are here!!!! My chicks are here!!!! My chicks are here!!!! They are the cutest things I have ever seen.Ok, minor issue. I ordered layers (Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks - 5 each). Instead of sending pullets they sent straight run. I'm assuming I'm going to end up with some extra roosters. I think I'd like to keep one and maybe take the rest to a sale??? What do you think? And if I keep one, which flavor do I keep?? I'd like to try hatching some eggs next summer is why I want to keep one rooster.
My chicks are here!!!! My chicks are here!!!!
-- Stacey (, April 25, 2002
That's great Stacey! I remember how I felt when my first chicks arrived. My babies!!!! Please keep two roosters until you are sure they are of mating age. It has happened to us that just keeping one of anything seems to guaranty that something will happen to it and leave you without. Best of luck to you. You chose good breeds.
-- Dianne Wood (, April 25, 2002.
How exciting Stacey! It is so much fun I know! LOL Re your Roosters, my Mom always waited to make up her mind and kept the very sweetest tempered one, of each breed, to have around. All the other "guys" went in the pot. We did keep our breeds separate. I know that for the average home flock you just let everyone go together and don't mind mixing up the breeds which will happen if you just keep one rooster. Have fun, I know they are so cute it is unbelievable(well, for chickens anyway, ducks are cuter! LOL ) LQ
-- Little Quacker (, April 25, 2002.
Congratulations on your choices! Baby chicks are about the cutest little things, then they grow to be chickens (ha!). On the minor issue, most of the time if you call the hatchery, they will make the order right and perhaps give you a credit as ordering just pullets is more expensive than straight run and I assume you paid for pullets only. I'd give them a call and give them a chance to make it right. Who knows, we might hear next: The duckies are here, the duckies are here! cause you got a credit and couldn't wait to get some little quakers! Good luck with your biddies.
-- Cindy (, April 25, 2002.
We do have a family of ducks on our pond, the wild mallard variaty I believe but I would like to get some pets. However, I got a very stern, 'Now that's enough critters for a while' from the DH. The ducks may have to wait until next year...... or at least later this summer. :)
-- Stacey (, April 25, 2002.
Congrats. I'd keep a buff orpington roosters they are meant to be gentle from what I've heard.
-- Anita in NC (, April 25, 2002.
Stacey, what fun !! You can make a pet out of the wild ducks - we had a hen that my daughter raised and then couldn't keep. Her sister in law incubated the egg than gave it to my daughter who raised the thing in her kitchen. It used to roam her house and swim in her tub. Lots of cleaning up to do but the daughter didn't mind until it got old enough to go outside. We all loved "Maynard". I really cried when the bobcat came and visited us one night and "reached" into the pen. Didn't realize the space between the wall and door was big enough. Have fun !
-- cindy Palmer (, April 25, 2002.
Yes, yes Stacey keep a Buff Orp rooster if you have one they are large beuatiful and sweet tempered. They wont attack you in the lawn or the kids.
-- Sheryl Clifton (, April 28, 2002.