Update on our trip to Missourigreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello All,
We had a wonderful time while down in Missouri. We put as many miles on our car while we were down there as it took to get there. (About 600 miles) We got to look as some properties, and have found 48 acres in Cedarcreek that we absolutely fell in love with. We are in the process of getting our financing now. Within a couple of years we will be living in the Ozarks. Woooooohooooo!
Everyone was so friendly down there, made us feel right at home. We really didn't want to leave, wanted to pitch a pup tent and just stay.
We are so excited to finally find our dream becoming a realization. And I am glad to have so many nice people here to share it with. We will keep everyone updated on our progress. Kim in Indiana (one day to be Kim in Missouri) :-D
-- Kim in Indiana (kwcountrygirl@aol.com), April 25, 2002
Kim, look into Ozarklandcompany.com, they offer Ozark land at good prices, very low down payment.
-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), April 25, 2002.
Kim, my parents live in Cedarcreek, and I grew up right in the area. Holler if I might be able to answer any questions for you.
-- CJ (sheep@katahdins.net), April 25, 2002.
Kim, Sorry to answer this post so late - didn't see it before. I live in Cedar Creek! We may soon be neighbors. Where is your place exactly? Email me and I will give you our location off this forum. Maybe we can get together. Welcome!
-- Deborah Stephenson (wonkaandgypsy@hotmail.com), April 29, 2002.