Homestead Land - Owner : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Backwoods homestead land, 5 acres or more, warm summers, cool winters, wooded and open pasture land, garden plots, very fertile land, streams with crystal clear water, real cheap taxes, no restrictions that i know of. Twenty miles to a small town that has a Walmart, good jobs, very good schools, a state college, and many churches. A post office and old country store is only 5 miles away. Located in central Alabama, about an hour to Florida. Perfect for an RV to start, or build your own small cabin. Owner financing with no credit check and no life history needed! Email with any questions???
-- ED (, April 24, 2002
Price? Road condition? Neighbors? Size of liquor still?!!
-- mitch hearn (, April 24, 2002.
If you could only move about 100acre patch to Oklahoma for me....Dern it....LOL
-- Thumper/inOKC (, April 24, 2002.
Answers to above... Good price on land, pretty fair roads, what neighbors? (5 miles), and i never learned how to drink!
-- ED (, April 24, 2002.
If you learn to drink, you may decide not to sell! Good luck.
-- Scott in Maine (, April 24, 2002.
Why are you not posting a price?????????? Are you ashamed to ask what you are asking???????? Good bye.
-- mitch hearn (, April 24, 2002.
Why are you not posting a price?????? Is it something you are afraid to say???????
-- mitch hearn (, April 24, 2002.
Price depends on number of acres, timberland, pasture, water, etc...$1500.00 per acre up.
-- ED (, April 24, 2002.