Which brand of Rabbit Feed ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I can get Purina, ACCO, Wendlend's or Nutrena in my area. Which is the best feed? Thanks, ET

-- Ed Thomas (wilded@austin.rr.com), April 23, 2002


What are you using the rabbits for? I personaly like the purina show blend for my angoras for the added oils in it.

-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), April 23, 2002.

It all depends on what the rabbits are for. You could ask your feed store if they would make a blend for you. You can get what you want and it may be cheaper in the long run. Like humans if you can feed an unprocessed diet they will be healther too!


-- Susan in MN (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), April 23, 2002.

go for the nutrena ours havent done as well eversince the dealer stoped carying it

-- george (gardenalways@yahoo.com), April 23, 2002.

Susan in Mn:

What sort of "blend" are you talking about? A mix of grains? Most feed mills will not make a custom pellet unless you order 2 to 5 tons, depending on the mill. In this part of the country only the big mills even have extruders.

If you are using a custom mix, tell us about it and what the rest of your feeding program is. Lots of hay?

I have noticed that there are some very savvy people keeping rabbits without buying pellets. I'd like to know what you are doing.


-- Jimmy s (Macrocarpus@gbronline.com), April 25, 2002.

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