Wanted: silkie chickens for sale in Texas (Dallas area?)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello, I am new to silkies and would like to purchase a few chicks and hens and possibly a rooster. I am looking for some silkies for sale in my area. I live in the Dallas area of Texas. If anyone has any or knows anyone with some I would appreciate it if ya'll would let me know.
-- Tara Houda (BLAH708@aol.com), April 23, 2002
Not sure of any in your area,but Canton has all you want.It will be May 3,4,and 5th.Saw lots of Silkies there last month,and reasonably priced.
-- Johna (in central TX) (marcnjohna@aol.com), April 23, 2002.
Check out Pete's Rocking T Poultry Ranch Web site. He has a message board, lots of help pages and links, he sells eggs and birds. http://www.rockingtranch.com/ Not too far from you, he lives in Kempner.
-- Shari (HelixHi76@hotmail.com), April 23, 2002.
HI! I am so exited to see that someone else lives in the Dallas area. I live in Richardson right now but we are searching for some land so I can indulge my chicken addiction. I am also looking for silkies. The only place I found is Ideal Poultry at http://www.ideal- poultry.com/default.htm But they have a minimum order of 25 and its strait run. I wanted 2 or 3 hens that I could keep secret inside. Being in the suburbs SUCKS! I might check out the place in canton. I drive by there on my way to tyler sometimes. Let me know if you find any good ones.
-- buffy (buffyannjones@hotmail.com), April 23, 2002.
Ideal Hatchery does NOT have a minimum of chicks to order. They only have a dollar minimum ~ $20. They're in Cameron, kinda far to walk! Heh Heh!
-- ~Rogo (rogo2222@hotmail.com), April 23, 2002.
Thanks for the correction Rogo. I get confused sometimes. Heck, I get confused alot! :)
-- buffy (buffyannjones@hotmail.com), April 26, 2002.