homestead for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
we have a 30 acre farm on the strawberry river with a small stream running thru the middle two story house sits on a full basement over looking a bluff 12 river bottom acres and a good mix of trees and meadow located in north arkansas 150 miles north of little rock very quiet and no crime to speak of and lots of cows. 108,ooo
-- patrick hemsley (, April 22, 2002
108,000 IS a lot of cows.
-- Buddy in e. Ga. (, April 23, 2002.
Patrick ,Sounds like you have a great place for sale, you might want to add that your place is located in the beautiful state of Arkansas. Good luck.
-- sherry in Arkansas (, April 23, 2002.
Ohhh! Arkansas! DH and I went there looking for a place. Can't move from here til the youngest graduates in 3 yrs. It sure is a beautiful state! Your place sounds ideal. Good luck, Patrick.
-- Cindy (, April 23, 2002.
I am very interested could you please send me some more info. Thanks.Jennifer
-- Jennifer (, April 24, 2002.