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I have a year old filly that has been peeing a little bit at a time, but often, sometimes every couple minutes. Could she have a bladder infection, or is it nothing to worry about?She seems healthy otherwise, she has gained a bit of weight after the winter and she doesn't seem peevish. She has always been less energetic than the other two.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
-- Chenoa (, April 22, 2002
I don't know about horses but that's exactly how our cats have acted when they had a urinary tract infection.
-- Cindy in NY (, April 22, 2002.
A yearling will come into heat. Have you noticed any "winking"? If it continues for more then a few days I would have a vet check her.
-- tracy (, April 22, 2002.
I have noticed "winking", I didn't know that that was a sign of heat. I'll keep an eye out to see if it continues. I guess it is the right time of year for horses.
-- Chenoa (, April 22, 2002.
Could she be in season?Just a thought!
-- Susan in MN (, April 22, 2002.
If she is in heat make sure she's not in with any stallions. If she gets pregnant this young you'll have a lot of complications. Good luck.
-- Erika (, April 22, 2002.
All my mares will wink after they urinate whether thay are in heat or not. It's winking without having pee'd first that would be an indication of heat. Also, is the urine normal in color? When mares are in heat they will sometimes sort of squat and "pee" but the fluid is more milky whitish than clear & yellow. This is more of a lubrication substance than real urine. We call this "squirting" for lack of a better term. A yearling can indeed become pregnant so do be careful of any stallions. I would say if her temp is normal & she is eating & acting OK she is more than likely having a first heat. Of course, it's always best to consult your vet if the condition lasts more than a couple days or the filly acts ill in any way.
-- ellie (, April 23, 2002.
Thanks for all the info, don't worry though, there are no stallions around. The pee is not clear, just a bit milky, and I think it is tapering off - I haven't seen her do it in one or two days now.Thanks again,
-- Chenoa (, April 24, 2002.