Boer Goats for sale, AL : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a small herd of Boer goats for sale. I have a FullBlood buck/Sire is of Landcorp Farming(IBGA)and 2 FullBlood does(ABGA)for sale. Does have kids (2ea.). I also have another Fullblood kid with no papers, and a percentage doe. Total of 9. I have lots of money invested in these goats and am willing to take a reduced price for them, selling because of my health. Located in North Alabama. Please email if you would be interested?..Thank you

-- Gary (, April 21, 2002


Gary I am very interested and would like to know some price ranges so I could get an idea of what you are asking. I buy and sell percentage boer and full blood that have no papers. The market for me will not allow me to sell many good goats that I would like to sell with papers but I guess it is because I just don't know the right people. If you could give me some more info it would be greatly appreciated.

-- B.H (FIRE_RESCUE126@HOTMAIL.COM), April 22, 2002.

Gary, I am very interested in your goats. I buy and sell fullbloods and percentage. Please email me and if possible give phone number. I would like to talk to you over the phone about your goats. I am located in North Mississippi. Thanks 5L Goat Farm

-- LB (, April 22, 2002.

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