Maxwell screen on Arca-Swiss : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone know if the Maxwell focusing screen for a Linhof Tech IV will fit on an Arca-Swiss F Classic 4X5 without any problems. The set-up looks the same. However, I notice that the Arca-Swiss has a thin adhesive strip under the clips that hold the glass cover on. Does it serve any purpose other than holding the position of the glass cover ?Thanks for any help. Don

-- Don Hall (, April 20, 2002


Ask Maxwell. I don't have his phone number or e-mail address, only his street address:

Maxwell Precision Optics 3158 Caintah Ct. Decatur, GA 30033

-- John Hennessy (, April 22, 2002.


Contact Bill Maxwell at 404-244-0095 and he will gladly answer your question. To further clarify John's response, the shipping address is Caintal Ct. (John had a slight typo) and his mailing address is:

Maxwell Precision Optics P.O. Box 33146 Decatur, GA 30033-0146

Hope this helps.


-- Matt Long (, April 22, 2002.

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