What company makes a decent, inexpensive fisheye lense for a mini DV camera?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out, it would be much appreciated. I am in the market for a fisheye lense for my one chip mini DV camera. Where the lense would screw on to my camera it says it is 36mm. I am looking into a Kenko .43 because I know it is pretty cheap and that is fine for me seeing as how I am just starting out. Is .43 a fisheye or just wide angle? I want to know because I will be filming skateboarders and I must get pretty close. If the Kenko isnt a fisheye, could you please tell me of an inexpensive fisheye lense?
-- Aali Qayyum (amplify2009@yahoo.com), April 18, 2002
are u filming for a skate video? i need to find out where i can get an inexpensive fisheye lens for a sony hi8 camera also if ur looking for skater to film i'd like to volunteer.
-- John Michael Figueroa (johnm41887@aol.com), August 12, 2002.
raynox makes a decent and cheap semi fisheye that produces some nice video. the kenko .43 is also a semi fisheye but won't fit on a 36 mm unless u get a step down ring. for some decent reviews and info for a newbie check out www.digitalskate.net its an informative site!
-- luke gates (gatesamatic_17@yahoo.com), April 30, 2003.