Great Big Thankyou! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I had no idea just how incredibly helpful this Forum would be. I have learned so much really important stuff regarding animal husbandry that I am sure it has saved the lives of some of my animals and made me feel that there is a wonderful group of people out there who are willing to take the time in their busy lives to offer a helping hand. THANK YOU!
-- Kathy (, April 18, 2002
I second Kathy's motion . . . although we sometimes get a little silly with our emotions and opinions, you can learn TONS of good stuff on the Countryside BBoard (soon to have new name-location).Kudoes to Ken, our former moderator, and the new Grand Pubba, Chuck, for keeping the flow going.
-- j.r. guerra in s. tx. (, April 18, 2002.
Thanks to everyone from me too! Lurking & learning, Cindy
-- cindy wells (, April 18, 2002.
Let me offer thanks too!Seems like there is always someone who can answer any question I might have.
-- Rick in Southwest WV (, April 18, 2002.
Add me to the list..I have learned so much on our CS Forum and still learning,,,Also,,when I have been discouraged by others close to me,,because of wanting to live the life of a Homesteader,,folks here have encouraged me,,and I know I am not alone and am not "off the deep end", but all the more closer to nature,,and the "real life",,,Thanks everyone,,,
-- Patsy, MT (, April 20, 2002.