moving to Miller or Hempstead counties : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking to buy land in this area of Arkansas. Can anyone please tell me about the areas. I am interested to find out about the codes for building homes, and putting in septic. As well as general information about the area. I have never been there, so please tell me all you know, good and bad. thanks, kerry
-- kerry (, April 17, 2002
Beautiful area. I live approximately 150 mi. south on the LA/TX border. When we have severe storm watches, They always have worse weather. However, they are south of the tornado alley that crosses it could be worse. Just severe thunderstorms mostly. Keep this in mind when shopping for land. I hope you like it. They grow great peaches. Robin
-- Robin Downing (, April 17, 2002.
Hi, welcome to Ar. I live in Sevier county thats fairly close to the area you are talking about. as far as I can tell there is no state wide code structure. You should check the city hall of the town you will be closest to. There are some rules about septic tanks and wells if you want one thats up to their codes. Also view the land before you buy. Theres a lot of chicken and hog farms and you can't believe how far hog stink can travel.Flooding is also something to check on.Spring rains can be pretty heavy.
-- VickiP. (, April 18, 2002.