Crafting Hint of the Day - Gadget for Using the Sewing Machine with Children or the Seeing : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
If you have a child who wants to learn to sew or have someone who is seeing impared but have hesitated to let them sew because you are afraid they might run thier fingers through the needle, contact the Blind Assoc. in your area. You can purchase a needle guard that makes it impossible to get your fingers under it and it swings up out of the way for normal sewing machine use.
-- Karen (, April 17, 2002
Karen, Thanks so much for this tip. My girl wants to try to sew and her eyesight's very bad and she's handicapped so I've really hesitated to let her try. I never knew something like this exsisted.
-- Terri in WV (, April 17, 2002.