Chick with Leg : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I hatched some chicks and one has spraddle legs. They have been on paper towels and not on anything slippery. Is there anything that can be done for this little chick?
-- Betty (Mich) (, April 16, 2002
There is a post in the archives on using a bandaid as a stabilizing aid to correct this, the poster said that it works, might look for it and try it.
-- BC (, April 16, 2002.
Thanks, BC. I had looked in the Archives but wasn't looking in the right "Poultry" category. I found the answer!
-- Betty (Mich) (, April 17, 2002.
Would appreciate hearing how this works for you, either through a posting or an email.
-- BC (, April 17, 2002.