Duck tractor?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anyone have any suggestions regarding building a "duck tractor"?? We have a moveable chicken tractor that my husband built, but it is extremely heavy. We just bought some young ducks and would like to pen them, but also protect them. We have a mink "pair" who managed to decimate a large part of my husband's pigeons before he was able to build new cages, and we also live in an area rampant with hawks, so we need a predator -safe (as much as possible) solution for housing the ducks. they are currently in a smaller pen, but will outgrow it soon. Has anyone built anything like this with a PVC pipe "frame"? this seems like a potential option....any suggestions are welcome!
-- Laura (, April 16, 2002
Ooooooh. PVC. The best solution in the universe. I've not made a chicken tractor but it sure sounds like it would work for ducks. I have 20 ducklings (Pekins) and it would sure work great, I think! I have mink eating my Bantams! The mink go right through the larger HavaHart trap sides! Thanks for giving me a thought on how to raise 20 ravenous ducklings!!
-- Gailann Schrader (, April 17, 2002.
I have 5 Indian Runner ducks in a 4x10 "duck tractor". I have to move it every other day to keep the lawn from getting too trampled. I have had one neighborhood dog test the wire and would suggest a double layer of chicken wire or a chicken wire/horse net combo. Mine is a little over built and makes moving it a dad-only chore. I used the plans in the Chicken Tractor book. Good luck. Ben-TX
-- Ben (, April 18, 2002.
We have four pekins that we want to keep in tow.......we bought the PVC pipe to make a duck tractor type enclosure. We're not sure how big to make it though. My husband thinks bigger is better to give them freedom but I worry about trying to move it. Any size suggestions??
-- Sharon Papps (, April 20, 2002.