websites that show pictures of chicks by breed? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just got a batch of mixed chicks, and I'd like to find out what they are. Are there any sites out there that show pictures of chicks and what breeds they are?

-- Christina (, April 16, 2002


yes,, scroll down

-- Stan (, April 16, 2002.

Look for the posting - "Help I don't know what my chicken is" posted today - there's a link posted by Don Armstrong, and it's wonderful!

-- Christine in OK (, April 16, 2002.

-- Tracey in Alabama (, April 16, 2002.

I checked feathersite, but can't find what I've got. One in particular...looks like a little penguin chick - blackish gray fading to a bit of white (like little huskies) with feathering on their legs. Any idea what these are?

-- Christina (, April 17, 2002.

sounds like black australorps to me.

-- cindy (, April 17, 2002.

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