Market for Beautiful Lambs and Dzo' : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
After 15 years of raising quality lambs and crossbed yaks (called Dzos), this year we find we have a beatiful crop of babies. We can always sale them at the local sales, however, because they are so big and beautiful it would be nice to talk to some folks who might be looking for some beautiful replacement ewe lambs. Most are Coopworth, which are great for meat and wool, and also Suffolk and crosses. Our Dzo babies are 1/2 and 3/4 yak and most are only a couple of months old. The female babies make good mothers and carry on all the traits of the yaks. They are normally bred back to beef bulls. If anyone is interested, please contact me. I also have a web site that shows pictures of them and our sheep. Thank you. for info go to
-- Kelly Carrick (, April 16, 2002