Slogan for new : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi folks. I'm getting some work done today on the new site (the stock market is kinda sloooooow.)I'd like some suggestions for a catchy slogan to go along with the new forum, which will eventually (not yet) be available at
So let's hear your best shot at a catchy saying to go on the front page to the site.
--Chuck (, April 15, 2002
"Homesteading-not a location but a state of mind"
-- Kathy (, April 15, 2002.
Learning the wisdom of the past, plantings the seeds of success, laying the furrow of the future.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 15, 2002.
If I win the lottery, I'm gonna keep on homesteading till it's all gone. ;)
-- Lenette (, April 15, 2002.
"In pursuit of a simpler, safer, common sense reality".
-- mitch hearn (, April 15, 2002.
Chuck - Anything for the winner?Here's my idea - "The All-Sufficient Resource for The Self-sufficient Homesteader"
-- Joy in Eastern WA (, April 15, 2002.
Resource, good word Joy, "The homesteaders resource of neighborly help and thoughtful discussion."
-- Ross (, April 15, 2002.
plow, sow or git out of the way
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, April 15, 2002.
I'm voting for Ross' suggestion. I like "neighborly help and thoughtful discussion" :)
-- mary (, April 15, 2002.
I like B. Lackies slogan :>)
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 15, 2002.
How 'bout a backup CD for the winner?
-- chuck in md (, April 15, 2002.
Neighborly Advice & Common Sense Solutions
-- BC (, April 15, 2002.
I Like B.Lackies slogan too...its funny and got some grit just like us!
-- Alison in NS (, April 15, 2002.
It sure fits how the forum gets at times too :>)
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 15, 2002.
Where Murphy's Law Prevails?Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask?
Ask and you shall receive (with both barrels?)
No, really now, how about something more like "Where homesteading education is only a question away"
-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (, April 15, 2002.
laying the foundation of your dreams through the sweat of your brow
-- Beth Van Stiphout (, April 15, 2002.
"Homesteading, where everything old is new again."The last part is a knock off line of a song title. Might be copyrighted.
-- Notforprint (, April 15, 2002.
I kinda like BC's, though I'd hate to wallow in common sence too long! If I had any I'd be a banker!!! :^) Advice is easier to take than help sometimes too.
-- Ross (, April 15, 2002.
I like all of them so far. how about making it a random display that incorporates many? with each log on or refresh there is a new saying. "out of many one" so to speak.
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, April 15, 2002.
Carrying Traditional Skills into the Future.And I like mitch hearns too.
-- Thumper/inOKC (, April 15, 2002.
Will the new board have a homepage? If so, you could use different slogans as a gem of the day saying on the mainpage with a different one periodically. Be a way to show the diversity here with our group.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 15, 2002.
-- BC (, April 16, 2002.
I am so proud of all of you. The answers are all GOOD. I vote for the random-change it every so often.
-- Bonnie Norris (, April 16, 2002.
It will probably get changed every so often.the new page will have a "front page" where you will be able to access the main forum and all of the offshoot forums that choose to participate.
One other nice feature is that you'll be able to hit a button and have it show you all the new posts since your last visit, on all of the forums.
-- chuck in md (, April 16, 2002.
I also like the idea of changing them once in a while.
-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, April 16, 2002.
'Homesteading Today, from our past to our future'
-- westbrook (, April 16, 2002.
hOMESTEADING-raising cows, chickens, corn and children with a mutual understanding of dirt to rain ratios.---or
Lots, stock, and smoking barrels !
-- Joel Rosen (, April 18, 2002.
Good one Joel ! We have to have changing slogans. Theres too many good ones.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 18, 2002.
Homesteading today...using yesterday's conventional wisdom to create a securer tomorrowor
homesteaders do it on a shoestring ?
-- Najia (, April 18, 2002.
Better Farm & Garden
-- lobo (notreal @, April 18, 2002.