wanted 5-15 acresgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am living in Columbus ohio. I am looking for a 5-15 acre tract of land in Southeast or Southern Ohio. I would like a good sized town of at least 10 thousand within 45 minutes or so. I am interested in land which is flat to hilly, mostly wooded that I can clear off over time for house and gardens, etc. Possibility for pond also. Would prefer no restrictions. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I am looking for a price around 1500-2000 per acre. Thanks in advance to all who offer me help. Scott
-- Scott Hall (scott@HALLSHOMEIMPROVEMENTS.COM), April 13, 2002
You might want to check in the Gallipolis/Crown City area. I know it's a little farther than 45 mins but my mil lives there and is always telling me about good land prices in that area. The most recent is 102 areas for 36,000 mostly wooded.
-- Terri in WV (mrs_swift_26547@yahoo.com), April 13, 2002.
Scott,Drop me an note or a card with your "snail mail" address. I may have something coming up:
Ed Copp Realty POB 281 McArthur, OH 45651
-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.com), April 14, 2002.
Thanks Scott, I got the info so now I can write it in my old fashioned notebook...In reading your post again I seem to get a better feel for what you are looking for. May I suggest a few considerations:
You mention towns of 10,000 or more. I suggest changing that number to 5,000, and here is why. The towns of 10,000 or more are quite limited in number, at least in my area. I presume that you are looking for a place to work or do business. The 10,000+ towns in my area will be Lancaster, 35 min. from Columbus and therefore a bit pricy, Athens, a college town which also has the pricy infection but will have some opportunities. Then there are Chillicothe, and Portsmouth. Both support more industry, which seems to be in a slow cycle right now.
I suggest looking at some smaller towns, think it over. It is good enough for Wal-Mart. New Wal-Mart stores in Jackson, Logan, and Gallapolis (towns under 10,000). Towns out of the general area of the 10,000+ towns will have considerably more lower cost land available. Be prepared, everyone that you talk to will think that "thiers" is worth "a lot of money" (ain't always so...).
If I were looking as you are, I would take a serious look at somewhat smaller towns, and less driving time to get to work, or the jobsite. Now myself I ended up in Vinton county with only 12,000 people in the entire county. If Wal-Mart, McDonalds or Domino"s is desired a trip to another county is required (ain't it terrible?).
You mention restrictions, and I have posted about this other places. What we have out in the country is State codes. Now the state in it's infinate wisdom has passed the enforcement part of this to the individual counties. The counties have decided not to fund an inspector position, in most cases. So the net result is no restrictions in most counties away from the larger towns. There may be a few requirements here and there but they usually do not amount to very much.
Good luck, and I will be in contact.
-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.com), April 15, 2002.