Does anyone use Planters II ? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anyone use Planters II in their garden or pastures? If so whats your opinion of the product.
-- Gary (, April 13, 2002
Curious... what is it?
-- Rose (, April 14, 2002.
I have also wondered about Planters II, but haven't tried it yet. I started this year using Adzsum. I think it is very similar. I am also going to try mineral fertilizers from Gardens Alive. It is probably a similar product although their catalog doesn't give specifics about it.Planters II is a natural mineral fertilizer from a substance called azomite.
I decided on the Adzsum because I could buy only a 20 pound bag to try. You can find it at
-- R. (, April 14, 2002.
Its a mined mineral type material thats has alot of trace minerals in it I have put it on some garden plots and I can't really be sure if its the Planters II or other things I'm putting on thats improving the ground.The guys who has a place of business who sells to organic growers sells it and says its the one best thing you can do for your land because so many trace minerals are lacking and I tend to agree. I'm going to try it on some pasture and hay land this year to see if I can see any difference.Also the difference mabe can't be seen but it may improve the quality of the forage anyway,hence the orginal question
-- Gary (, April 14, 2002.