Fleece Faire 4/13 for fiberoholicsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
For all those in the Indiana-Illinois area interested in spinning, wool, and etc. don't miss the Fleece Faire this Saturday at Greencastle, IN. It runs from 8 to 5, at the Putnam County Fairgrounds just at the N edge of town on Hwy 231. Two exhibit buildings with vendors of every kind of fiber imaginable; livestock exhibits; herding demo, sheep farm tour, shearing school, you get the picture. If you need wool, silk, camel, alpaca, mohair or whatever to spin; if you want to see spinning wheel dealers, buy fiber books, find gorgeous dyed rovings, and take mini-classes, this is the place for you. Family friendly, petting zoo, very knowledgeable fiber people. And fun!! You will have a great time. Need more info, email me. The Ind. Shetland Breeders will be meeting at 5 so if interested in Shetlands, come on down. We would love to see you there!
-- Taylor (bptaylor@ccrtc.com), April 11, 2002
Taylor, thanks for the reminder. I've signed up to work Saturday, but if they don't call me, I'm coming to Greencastle!!! I've heard that this is quite an event.
-- Judy in IN (whileaway3@cs.com), April 11, 2002.
So everyone else can plan, there is the Shepherd's Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival May 11-12 in Lake Elmo, MN. Admission and parking are free!
-- Susan in MN (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), April 12, 2002.
There are two Fiber Guilds near here (well in other counties but at least not in other states) but we never have anything like this around here! Does anybody know of anything like this in north Alabama, Georgia or Tennessee???
-- Suzy in Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), April 12, 2002.
Hey Susan nanaboo; will you be set up to demonstrate? Is that in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area? Do they have a website with directions - just in case there isn't a race that weekend?!
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), April 12, 2002.