What is "graham" flour?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
I am interested to know what is "graham" flour? I have seen it in health food store. Can you grind your own? Is it a grain or combination of grains? Anyone familiar with it or use it? Thank you!
-- Marie in Central WA (Mamafila@aol.com), April 11, 2002
take graham crackers,, smash till its flour
-- Stan (sopal@net-pert.com), April 11, 2002.
Wise guy! Its whole wheat flour.
-- Gayle in KY (gayleannesmith@yahoo.com), April 11, 2002.
best I could come up with :)
-- Stan (sopal@net-pert.com), April 11, 2002.
It is, in fact, whole wheat flour. Graham flour is an old fashion term for whole wheat flour you will see in many heirloom recipes.
-- Karen (mountains_mama@hotmail.com), April 11, 2002.
Graham Flour is whole wheat flour, at a course grind. it is named after Sylvster Graham, a 19th century health food proponet.
-- Rob Costa (Robcosta@comcast.net), January 16, 2003.