12 vs. 15 mm Heliar

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi Folks,

I'm relatively new to this discussion, so searching through 1500+ threads are quite daunting, please forgive me if this has been asked before.

I'm in the market for a superwide lens. Since Leitz_and_Leica do not make 12/15 lenses, my only choice are the Voigtlander's offerings.

I've seen Travis' post and was impressed. However, I've never seen the results from the 12mm.

Can anyone please post some photo's and/or respond with comments and/or links?

Muchos Grasias

-- Steve (leitz_not_leica@hotmail.com), April 09, 2002


I have both the 12 and the 15. The 12 has quite a bit more light falloff than the 15. I've taken good transparencies with the 12 but on a light box, I see a really noticeable bright center and darker periphery. My eye doesn't pick up on such a bright center with the 15mm lens. On negative film, prints come out wonderfully with both lenses.

Overall, the 12 is a lot more demanding of correct exposure than the 15, because of the greater light fall off.

I use the 15 almost as a snapshot lens but the 12 requires some care in use, particularly with transparency film.

I don't have anything to post. My old scanner is on its last legs and I'm planning to buy a new one soon.

-- Tom (therbert@miami.edu), April 09, 2002.



-- Terry (tcdvorak@aol.com), April 09, 2002.

If you choose to get the 12mm I would strongly suggest getting the accessory double shoe and spirit level as well. The 12mm as with any ultrawide is especially prone to mutated subjects unless you hold it absolutely level. Aside from that is is a great lens. The vignetting is only natural.

-- ray tai (razerx@netvigator.com), April 10, 2002.

I got the 15 because I considered it mighty wide enough and the price is half compared with the 12. It is a great lens and I agree that the light fall off is quite minimal.

I would really suggest to think carefully before going to buy the 12 as a 'first' ultra wide lens. There is very little the 15 can't do in practice. I suppose there is always some lust after the widest lens on the market, but it is seldom based on actual need.

Just my opinion.


-- Ilkka (ikuu65@hotmail.com), April 10, 2002.

There's a great spread in the current Leica Historical Assn. of America "VIEWFINDER" about the 12mm.

-- George L. Doolittle (geodoolitt@aol.com), April 10, 2002.

George and Others,

Urgent, please summarize, as the web version is not out yet, and there is one on ebay that I'm interested in.


-- Steve (leitz_not_leica@hotmail.com), April 11, 2002.

The 12mm is a remarkable lens. It is best used stopped down at least one stop, and it punishes any deviation from horizontal with a vengeance - I intend to invest in the spirit level accessory asap. I have the Voigtlander 21mm too, and find that between them they open up a world of photo opportunities for little outlay. Word is that the 12mm is better made, hence the price - but I've never used the 15. The viewfinder for the 12 is superb.

-- Paul Hart (paulhart@blueyonder.co.uk), April 12, 2002.


Quick summary of 12 and 15.

15: stop faster than 12 (4.5 vs 5.6). Lighter. Cheaper. Ears of shade hard to level--very annoying. Was Cosina's first forey into RF photography and this lens doesn't have the extra goodies of the 12. Using filters problematic. Exposed from element.

12: More coverage than 15. More expensive. Rotating and removable hood. Special thingy for a 77mm filter which also protects the front element. Has both Meter and Feet distance markings--15 only has Meters. A little heavier than 15--must heavier with 77mm filter and attachment. 5.6 top speed. Easier to focus because of focusing tab. Has click stops at various f stops. Heavier external viewfinder than 15 but better made (metal vs plastic).

Both eye level finders are so-so in my view. Angle finder frames are great.

Both lenses need getting used to. I don't use a level with my 12.

Both are very good optically.



-- Alex Shishin (shishin@pp.iij4-u.or.jp), April 13, 2002.

thanks for the responses. i saw 4/2002 pop photo article. they said 12 was one of the best ever tested (?!). although it vignettes like crazy.

paid 600 just to play with it. i may get both 12 and 15.

thanks again.

-- Steve (leitz_not_leica@hotmail.com), April 15, 2002.

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