Chicks with pasty behind... : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have chicks that are 5 days old. When they first came, their poop was loose, which I figured is normal for babies. It has firmed up pretty much (except for an occas. loose), since they are eating and drinking well, and running all over the place. One of them has a pasty butt, but I clean off as much as possible each day..the vent is open. Someone else said this is a symptom of cocci. starting. Huh? I thought it wasn't all that unusual for new chicks. How could they get cocci. when not exposed to anything other than day old chicks? I'm inclined to not believe it, but if medication is necessary, I'd like to start it. Is it needed?

Thanks! Jody

-- Jody (, April 09, 2002


Put a little oil on its behind.I always started to give them some greens when this happens.

-- Patty Gamble (, April 09, 2002.

If you are feeding a commercial starter, it may already have an antibiotic in it, check your feed label. Some say to add in some oatmeal to their feed, increase fiber.

-- BC (, April 09, 2002.

I just recently had a post about this problem. All we did was clean their behinds with water and put a little vaseline on it. We did add some cider vinegar to the water as some suggested and also fed some rolled oats mixed with the feed. We have been feeding Purina Start and Grow. Ck. the archives for a couple of posts about 2 weeks ago.

-- Emil in TN (, April 09, 2002.

This is very common with purchased chicks, and is likely just a result of stress. I just use warm water to carefully clean it off. The important thing is that the vent is open. Otherwise, the chick would, in fact, die.

-- mary (, April 09, 2002.

This is common with all chicks. Mama Hen cleans the chicks, but when you buy chicks YOU become Mama Hen. She pecks it off - you can use a damp cloth or paper towel. And yes, they could die if you don't clean the poop off. It's called pasted vent.

-- Bonnie (, April 09, 2002.

Someone in that past post also said it was caused by the chicks being to cool.(increase the brooder temp!)Dave (central WI)

-- Dave (, April 10, 2002.

not only too cool, but to hot! lack of motion will encourage 'pasting up', and stress, and fuzzy downy chick butts certainly seem to be designed to catch all they can! :) dipping the bums in a cup of warm water is pretty quick.

-- bj pepper ,in central MS. (, April 11, 2002.

i read yesterday that it could be just from the stress of traveling. if you go to this webpage and scroll halfway down you'll see a section on it and what to do about it:

good luck!!!

-- C (, April 11, 2002.

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