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If you are interested in KNitting or crocheting slippers for operation Toasty Toes please contact me. Info available at are knitted or crocheted accorsing to the set pattern ( beg/easy pattern) & shipped out to our US service personnel, Showing both appreciation for thier job & lifting morale of those so far from home. Also domations of yarn & shipping expenses needed. THnx
-- Shellie (, April 09, 2002
Shellie, please also post this over at the Cooking and Crafting Forum . There might be some folks there that would be interested as well. I have heard of operation Toasty Toes and it is a wonderful project and pattern is so quick and easy! Count me in Shellie.I do have one question, I know the official pattern calls for 3 rounds of single crochet trim. I don't crochet. Since this is the "official pattern", is it required, is there an alternative, or can you just leave it off?
-- Karen (, April 09, 2002.
I have a question..when do service people have time to wear slippers while overseas etc? I'm not being critical just curious. Its a question thats popped into my head from time to time when projects like this are advertised. Best of luck and have a nice day.
-- Alison in NS (, April 09, 2002.
alison, they do sleep occasionally and get a few hours off here and there. any reminder of home is very welcome. i was never shipped overseas, but many of the people i worked with while i was in the army were, and they loved anything made and sent with love from the usa. it is extremely hard being far away from family, and they welcome things to bring home closer. shellie, send me the info. thanks. laura
-- laura (, April 09, 2002.
shellie, i couldn't find the crochet pattern, and i am not a proficient knitter. please send the crochet pattern email. thanks. hope you get lots of positive responses. the ones far from home deserve all the thanks we can give them.
-- laura (, April 09, 2002.
Thanks for posting the addy of the Crafting forum! I found some really neat stuff on it!! Now I have MORE to do...
-- Gailann Schrader (, April 09, 2002.
Thankyou for posting the web site. I'm on the charity knit along group already but I haven't made any toasty toes yet......I can't knit!! I have a knitting frame and I can make hats on it but I hadn't been able to figure out how to make slippers on it...thankyou for the pattern :o).
-- Amanda (, April 11, 2002.