Lubys Meat : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
Here"s Luby's cafeteria recipe.Meat loaf
2 1/2 pds ground beef, 3/4 pd ground pork, 3 extra lg. eggs lightly beaten, 3/4 cup diced onion,3/4 cup diced celey, 1/2 cup diced green bell pepper, 2/3 cup tomato juice, 1/2 cup evaporated milk, 1/4 cup crushed saltine cracker crumbs, 1 teas. pepper, 1/2 teas. garlic powder, 1/2 teas. salt.
Heat oven to 350, Lightly grease large shallow baking pan. In large bowl, combine all ingredients. Mis well. In baking pan, firmly shape meat mixture into a loaf. Cover loosely with foil. Bake 1 hour, Remove foil and continue baking 5 mins. For easy slicing. Let meat loaf stand at room temp. for 10 mins. 8 servings.
-- Irene texas (, April 08, 2002
The Luby's in Little Rock has a tomatoey red sauce topping on it. Do you know the recipe for it?
-- angela roberts (, April 23, 2003.