How my girls keep me in stiches..... ( humor ) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Today my hubbies aunt and her mother were visiting.... We had a man come and dig the trenches for the trailor's waterlines earlier in the day, and the girls had been out to investigate the hole.DH's aunt, her mom, me, my inlaws and my hubby were sitting around the table chatting, when my girls come into the room. My oldest tells my DH she has figured out why the water in the trailer is "broken". We ask her why she thinks it is broken, and she said that she saw one of the pipes was broken . I told her that the pipe she saw was a sewer line that had to be disconnected until the trenches were finished.... She asked what is a sewer? I whispered in her ear that is was a big tank in the ground.She asked where the tank was and I told her that it was in the yard. She of course wants to know what it was for. ( she was speaking out loud I whispered my responses out of respect for the others in the room). I whispered again that it was where the stuff went when she flushed the toilet. She immediatly made a disqusted face, and exclaimed " YOU MEAN WE ARE WALKING AROUND ON POOP????" The room exploded into laughter....
Hope that makes you laugh as much as it did us.... Just another day in the life of a mom with a 6 year old.
-- Kristean Thompson living in Indiana (, April 07, 2002
how funny. thanks for sharing-they really can say some great things, can't they.
-- laura (, April 08, 2002.
I love to get my grandkids talking. (3 & 8). They are very observant and honest. I had a pet conour, (small parrot), that used to sit on a perch near me while I was working on the computer. My three year old granddaughter was visiting with us and noticed the "poop" that had landed on the bottom of the perch. She thus tells me, "Gramma, I like the color of your birdie's poop". You can bet we all got a giggle out of that one ! NO better entertainment than conversation with a kid or kids !
-- cindy palmer (, April 08, 2002.
That is funny.My favorite line from one of my kids has been: "Mom, why does earwax taste different than nosewax?"
-- Lav, Central Maryland (, April 08, 2002.
My five year old grandson was visiting his cousins and playing Pokemon on their game system. His father was telling him to do it this way or do it that way and Brian got frustrated. He handed his father the controller and said " Here wise old man, you do it since you know everything". His father left and went home pouting because everyone there laughed at what Brian said.
-- Sheila in NC (, April 08, 2002.
LOL. We've always lived where we have a septic system, and all my kids have asked the age old question 'where does the water in the toilet go when you flush it' when they're around three or four. We've always explained simply how the septic works. Now my youngest dd, (4 1/2 yo) tells people that when you flush the toilet it goes under the backyard and helps the grass grow!! She also tells them that bleach is bad because it kills the 'good germs' in the septic.
-- Kris in MI (, April 09, 2002.
When my husband and I were younger we had a cat with urinary syndrome who would get kidney stones unless kept on a special diet and absolutely no milk. Later in life we always expressed to our daughters the importance of not giving milk to cats and why. One day my youngest and I were traveling with a friend who was telling us about giving milk to the office cat earlier that day. "Oh no!," says my 4 year old. "You shouldn't do that. She'll get stoned!" That one took me a few minutes to explain. Had to stop laughing my head off first. Of course the other daughter (age 3 at the time) tickled me by yelling at the neighbors continuously barking dog ,"Dog, you're barking up the wrong tree." It's amazing the way they use the things that they hear and turn them around into something much more humorous.
-- Laurie in NW FL (, April 09, 2002.