Anyone build a dome from american ingenuity? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone have information about the actual building of an american ingenuity dome? I alredy have the information from their company, but I want information from owner builders. Thanks Joe Miller n.c.

-- Joe Miller (, April 07, 2002


Joe, sorry I can't give input about actual building experience. I've asked the same question here a couple of times but there was never much interest, which I can't figure out. For the price being asked, it seems like the cheapest, strongest shell, insulation, & vapor wrap available. I don't understand why more of the people on this site who are in the market for a new home or building aren't excited about this package. My only concern is the thickness of the reinforced concrete part of the panels. I would want to know that this part would not crack if hit by something substantial such as a tree limb. From the pictures put out by the company (American Ingenuity Domes) it looks to be no more than an inch.

-- John Fritz (, April 09, 2002.

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