FS: Leica M4

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have a chrome Leica M4 for sale. Mint minus or 9.5 condition. This camera has been serviced by DAG as indicated by the 92 stamped into the wax seal. Serial no. 1232xxx.

This camera operates flawlessly. there is one tiny (1/16") long nick on bottom edge of baseplate and a very SMALL amount of strap shine above right strap lug only. there are also three PIN PRICK SIZE scratches on the back door (very small).

The vulconite is PERFECT. The rangefinder is clear and accurate. The shutter speeds are accurate. The two plastic plugs for the PC connection and the flash bulb connection on the back of the camera are in place. This camera is very pretty.

I am not a collector but a user, and my daily user camera is another M4 in user condition. This other camera that I use has also just been serviced, but is not as pretty as the one I am selling.

I am selling this camera because I cannot afford to have a camera of this value just sitting in my camera bag and not used.

I'm sorry that I cannot post any images of this camera because I do not own a digital camera, however my description of its condition is accurate.

I am asking $1775 USD which will include insured shipping anywhere in the continental US. :-)

-- Ron Snyder (studio1401@aol.com), April 06, 2002

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