Need recipe for canning onion soup : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I've been searching for a recipe to can onion soup. I have several canning books, and they have the freezing method. Not what I need. I have tried several websites and was told that this website might be the place to find it. Any response its greatly appreciated. Thank you.

-- Margarita Fisher (, April 06, 2002


I would suggest you try the following....

Adjust according to how much you want to can:

I quart of beef stock, 1 to 2 tsp salt , 1 tsp black pepper, and one med-large onion chopped, 1 to 2 tsp Kitchen Bouquet. ( I would sautee the onions first...) then add all to a pot and boil about 5 or 10 mins. Fill your jars and pressure at 10lbs for about 50-55 mins. You can add or subtract on the seasonings and even put on other herbs , like rosemary or thyme, or whatever you want... Play around with it till its just right.... Happy canning.. Kristean

-- Kristean Thompson ......IN (, April 06, 2002.

I canned about 7 qts. of onion soup a few months ago when I realized I had way to many onions from last year's harvest. I drew on recipes in Joy of Cooking and from Julia Child and pressure canned it for about an hour at 10 lbs. of pressure. If you want an exact recipe, let me know.

-- Katherine in KY (, April 07, 2002.

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