How do you show a Boer goat? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Our county fair has turned into the NJ State Fair. Last year, only 4H showed Boer goats. I asked if they would open next year and they did. I would like to show my one yearling, just because but I don't know what the regulations or likes for showing them are. I know they are not clipped. Do they have to have a chain collar or will a nylon dog collar be okay? Are only whethers shown for meat or can a buck be shown for meat, not breeding? What about me? I know Dairy they wear white but do I have to since it's not dairy? Any tricks or helpful hints? Do they have to be registered?Show's not until Aug but it's never too early to start. Been walking her on a leash and stopping in different places. She's not comfortable to set up yet. (Will do anything for Honey coated ceral) I've watched shows but never been in one before. May have my son do another doe too. Maybe he'll take an interest in this place.
-- Dee (, April 05, 2002
Oh shoot, ran across a few websites while surfing for showing dairy goats and didn't book because we changed to dairy several yrs ago. I think if you did a search it might come up. hope somone on the forum has some insights.I do recall when we were starting out with boers we went to NC meat goats show. I recall seeing that uniforms were not required, (actually i thought it was so tacky being used to showing diary goats) come as you are. I also noted that in the ring collars may not need to be required, the owners were showing by sometimes gripping their horns and leading them. i aslo recall how the goats were on the skiddish side, wich makes sense, meat goats don't need the papmering our dairy goats do. so that may be part of it.
Well, good luck, hope this helps some. this website may help.
-- Bernice (, April 06, 2002.
At our county fair, the boers do have to be clipped. they were shorn just like the dairy girls! I know this bec last year i was the only one who did not clip my boer ( oops )
-- Don and Susan (, April 06, 2002.
at our fair, they follow all the rules for regualr dairy goats... but then , my son always wins, since we are the only people in the county with goats :), it however will be hard this year when he has to actually compete , for the first time at state level
-- Beth Van Stiphout (, April 06, 2002.
I did go serfing first (and got lost). I did find a site that you could show your Boer on a web page. That sounded really neat. Like a try out first. I'll check that site you suggested and also someone private e-mailed me another site so I'll see.I also know someone who judges Boers but didn't want to ask him because the chances are good that he will be judging this show. Then again, he probably would be the best one to ask, right?
-- Dee (, April 06, 2002.
Dee, The meat goats are clipped but not as short as the dairy goats. It is more of a grooming where they are washed and blown dry and a "box" cilpping is done to accenuate the muscles(ing) of the goat. The show I went to had different classes for bucks and does and wethers but the squareness and the build and the heavy muscles were important on all of them. Also the hooves need to be trimmed properly. this was an offical show not a local county fair so that did make a difference.
-- Karen in Kansas (, April 07, 2002.
There is a world of difference between showing boer goats and meat goats. Most meat goat shows require the animal to be completely clipped except from the hocks down, and the end of the tail. No uniform type clothing is required for showing meat goats as well as boer goats. Boer goats are classed by age where meat goats are classed by weight. Most meat goat shows have a tooth rule meaning the goat must still have their milk teeth. Cloth or chain collars are acceptable in most shows but some do require using a chain. Bucks are not shown in meat goat shows but some shows do let does to be shown. If you are showing in a boer goat association sanctioned show the goat must be registered and I believe it must pass visual inspection of a certified judge to ensure there are no cull features associated with the goat. You can go to the site or ibga site for information on shows and such. Hope this helps some.
-- Bill (, April 16, 2002.