Lack of entries....Perfect Pork customers please : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Awhile back , I offered free samples of my seasoning to those of you who requested them here on the forum. I had 15 responses. Wonderful! I was glad to return the favor, be it small on my part...... But I have a question regarding your thoughts on the product... If you could post your comments here... ( remember I may post them on my website ) ... Be they good or bad,,, I want to hear what you have to say..... Also, If no one enters the cooking contest ( I havent recieved one entry yet.) I will hold a drawing for the prizes on April 30 , (which would of been the last day to get your entry in ) from those here on the forum . The drawing will include those who have ordered by that date also. I think it only fair to give the prizes away to those who first supported my efforts , and besides I just love you guys.....LOL Thanks for reading this and Thanks to those who respond.
-- Kristean Thompson (, April 05, 2002
Well, you know I love it! We tried it on pork chops first and loved it, then later tried it on ribs. We are HOOKED! :-) Great stuff, Kristean!
-- Cheryl in KS (, April 05, 2002.
What cooking contest? I guess I missed that post.
-- Jodie in TX (, April 07, 2002.