Peace and Carrots : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi, I have seen someone post their website here a few times (Peace and Carrots). I just wanted to say I have really enjoyed looking at your site and utilizing your links. You are a source of inspiration! Thanks! :)
-- Najia (, April 05, 2002
Gosh, thanks ;-) I have been gone the last 4 days. I attended an international conference hosting 18 countries in Windsor, Ontario. It was very interesting to go from my underground house way back in the woods to the 16th floor of the Hilton ;-) My room looked out over the Detroit River, skyline and the bridge between the US and Canada. It was pretty to lie in my king-size bed at night and gaze at the lights.When I got home today I talked to my family, petted the pets, then promptly napped for 4 hours! Jetting around and navigating airports is a lot of work. The Detroit airport is totally cool!!!!!!! I got a direct flight from Burlington, Vermont to Detroit, Michigan. All the dinky little 50 seater planes seem to leave from terminal C. It's a LONG walk out to there from the main part of the airport, but there's a tunnel of wavy, textured glass that changes colors and ripples to some soothing New Age music. It was more like being at Disney World.
So....this country bumpkin went to the big city and survived ;-) Whenever I got confused, I just smiled, told folks I was from the sticks and asked their advice. I ended up giving most of them my card with web page address. All the city slickers wanted to come visit me ;-)
I had an interesting trip. It was fun talking to folks from all over the world. My daughter and her house ended up being big talk at the conference. The program was about IDA's....individual development accounts. Heather and I both did the savings thing through them for 4 years.....that's how Heather saved the money to buy her building materials. We are some of the very first folks in the US to get a matched account. For every dollar we saved, 2 more were added ;-) My baby was an inspiration to all, because not only did she save the maximum money allowed, but she built her house with her own hands.
OK....I'll shut up now ;-) Here's my web address.....
-- Peace and Carrots Farm, Vermont (, April 07, 2002.