Looking for Indian Head Spinner

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I posted this on the barter board, but I received no response. I hope no one minds if I post it here. I am still hoping to find one.

I am looking for an Indian Head spinner to mount on a treadle sewing machine base. I cannot pay very much. Perhaps we can barter? I could trade handspun yarn, something handknit from handspun yarn, or if you have something broken, perhaps I can arrange to have it repaired...electronics or light machining...or let me know what you are looking for. I would also be interested in plans to make an Indian head bulky spinner.

-- nancy (stoneground@catskill.net), April 05, 2002


JACK DANIELS-that use to make this indians head spin!

Only joking, I hope you find one. I have know ideal what your talking about.

-- r.h. in okla. (rhays@sstelco.com), April 06, 2002.

Thanks for the laugh!! Jack Daniels has made my head spin a time or two as well!

-- nancy (stoneground@catskill.net), April 06, 2002.

Nancy, I understand these Indian Head spinners are no longer made but they were in vogue awhile ago when chunky yarn was in. I have seen them around here on the west coast of Canada and they are usually pretty cheap. Try locating some local spinners' guilds; they usually have newsletters with a classified section where you can put out the call. Good luck

-- Kathy (homefarmbc@pacificcoast.net), April 08, 2002.

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