noisy vs. quiet : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
DH and I are getting ducks/chickens this spring. He's picking the chickens (I think he's posted some questions about them), I get to pick the ducks because I love them - never had them before and I can't wait! I've narrowed my choice down to khaki campbells (good layers, not large birds, good foragers) or indian runners. The runners just look so silly, I think I could look at them all day - and they're also good layers, foragers, etc. What I think it might come down to is noise - is one breed louder than the other? Or is it a wash? I think if one tends to be quieter than the other, I'd probably go that way, all other things being equal. Thanks for your input, all of you.
-- Chris (, April 05, 2002
my khaki's are handsome and quiet. my runner's are cute and noisy (the ladies). all of them seem quiet now that geese are around.
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, April 05, 2002.
I love my Khaki Campbells. But unlike chickens, the male is the quiet one, while the female is noisy. He has a whispery quack, but she holds nothing back (mainly when she figures it's snack time and hears me coming). My female also goes broody, if that's something you're interested in.
-- JoAnne Gosen (, April 05, 2002.
Khacki hens can be quite loud if bothered while they are nesting, looking for a nesting place, or just in a mood. I would htink the runners would be the same way, too, since they are related. Any hen will do the same. They don't quack and carry on like some of the other breeds (I have a loudmouth Swede). If you are looking for a truely quiet duck that produces practically year round, look into Muscovey. Large eggs, lays and sits year round for me (I'm in So Cal) and htey don't quack.
-- Wendy A (, April 05, 2002.
I haven't noticed any difference in noise between Kahakis and Runners. Not that I mind the noise, it always sounded happy to me. I like the Runners better, they are so much fun and great foragers, due to being able to move faster along the ground. Call ducks are the loudest I have encountered.
-- Rebekah (, April 05, 2002.
If noise is seriously a factor, consider Muscovies. They don't quack at all, mostly just hiss. But they can be quite messy and as they get older seem to prefer land to water.
-- Kate in New York (, April 05, 2002.
Chris, you might consider getting a good book that compares the breeds. "Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks", by Dave Holderread( illustrations and recipes by his wife, Millie)is just the ticket. It will tell you which breeds are bred for what. That said, I raise bantams plus I have indian runners, just because they are so droll and funny. If you want to see many beautiful photos of breeds of ducks go to and check out the LINKS. As to the noise factor. All hens are "talkers" and it sounds like they are laughing. Not much difference in the breeds as far as frequency or volume, the exception being Calls, which were developed for the loud and persistant voices they have. We are talking true ducks here. The jungle bird imported from tropical Central and South America, the Muscovy, is a different ball game. They are, to my eye, not the least bit attractive, they can be very rough to deal with(especially during breeding season), they tend to get to the point where they roost everywhere, on your house, barn, shed, porch etc.(they are a perching duck). That said, they are also great mothers, make little noise, raise very large clutches, and taste wonderful. Have fun, ducks are so much fun and adorable too! LOL LQ
-- Little Quacker (, April 05, 2002.
I held off on getting ducks for years because I always had associated ducks with NOISE. After I could no longer resist the antics of Indian Runners (my favorite, hands-down!), we got a trio last fall. The drake is a as quiet as can be, but the ladies sure are noisy (but only when we're feeding them or bringing them treats). And now that one of the ducks has gone broody, she raises hell (at no one in particular) when she gets off her nest twice a day to eat, drink, swim and etc. I can nnly comment on the runners (and I could watch them all day, too; infact, eveyone who stops by is just mesmerized by them, especially the drake, who is a beautiful irridescent black), since that's all we have. Can't wait for the ducklings (hope the broody duck sticks with the eggs!).
-- Andrea Gauland, Big Flats NY (, April 05, 2002.
K.C.s and Indian Runners are my favorites--- absolutely. Haven't had ducks for 3 years (lost ours to predators) and have missed them something awful --- just brought home 2 K.C.s and 2 fawn runners last week (babies). Noise-wise, have noticed little difference in the past -- both breeds pretty quiet. Boys (drakes) are apparently quieter in all breeds than the girls (hens) ... we have always found that an easy and dependable way to sex babies. Enjoy -- you're in for fun. (:
-- teddy in NE (, April 05, 2002.
In the past I've kept many ducks. My favorites were the Indian Runner, K.C., and Swedish. The English Call ducks as stated before are incredibly loud and loud all the time. My grandfather who was born in 1900 in S. Louisiana kept them often when he was young as decoys. Now illegal. The muscovy is the only domestic duck not breed from Mallards. They make an excellent choice in some situations. Not beautiful in the head, they are truly beautiful in flight. Great surviors and an very good meat duck. I never found any of the ducks other than the Calls to be noisy.Another plus with all the ducks are the eggs, which I prefer to chicken eggs. The K.C. I believe has the world record for eggs layed in one year at something like 365 eggs. Beats all chickens. I'm talked into it...Time for some ducks.
-- Paul Moore (, April 06, 2002.
As some of the others have said. The Muscovey ducks do not quack, therefore they are pretty much noiseless. I've been raising Muscovey ducks for 8 years and I think the girls are very pretty. I have them in several colors: Chocolate, Blue, Black, and Silver-Chocolate. Mine have never perched. They all sleep on the ground. They are great layers and lay almost year around here in TX. They are also very sweet. My son enjoys teaching them tricks. They will do almost anything for a piece of dry dog food.
-- Jodie in TX (, April 06, 2002.
Happy ducks are quiet ducks. Hungry ducks are noisy ducks. Ducks getting boinked are noisy ducks. Therefore, have no more than one drake -- or none if you don't need fertilized eggs -- and feed your ducks well. Ducks in high alert mode sound like a car alarm going off - a regular "Hanh!...Hanh!...Hanh!...Hanh!..."
-- snoozy (, April 07, 2002.
Even tho' all that will help you make your choice has been said, I just can't resist putting in a word for the Indian Runner, they are just divine. The girls certainly make the noise, but it seems to be either alert, delight, or hungry or just yacking to each other as they poddle about. I could watch them all day and will readily give an Indian Runner anecdote to anyone willing to listen. I always wanted ducks after having them as a child, but I had no idea how much I would adore these wine bottle shaped ducks and how far across our countryside I would drive to get them! So all the waddling, quacking, foraging, splashing about best.
-- Fiona (, April 08, 2002.