Pattern for a shirt like "Pa Ingles" : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
If any of you ever saw episodes of "Little House on the Prairie" did you ever notice the shirts that Pa Ingles wore? They have very loose sleeves,kind of a yoke effect at the shoulders and very small lapel-less collars. Do any of you know what I'm trying to say here? My husband loves comfortable shirts. He has extra long arms and a long torso, so it is very hard to find shirts that fit properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.....Oh, also do any of you have a source for "long john" material? Thanks again...Harmony
-- Harmony (, April 04, 2002
Folkwear patterns has those type shirts They are now being produced by Tauton Press-the same folks who put out Threads, and Fine Gardening and Fine woodworking and those mags. They have a website-I think you can just type Folkwear into a search engine-warning-the patterns are a bit expensive, but they are printed on heavy paper and last forever-I have some that are twenty years old!
-- Kelly (, April 04, 2002.
A friend just gave me a copied old book that has a couple of these shirt patterns in them. It is not an exact pattern but does give you an idea. I would also look under Black Powder re-enactment stuff or Rendezvous stuff. My kids are now into that and have been going to them just about every other weekend. I have seen patterns for sale at these for about $9. Email me privately if you want a copy of the stuff out of this book.Tana Mc
-- Tana mc (, April 05, 2002.
We do Civil War reenactments, and that is kind of like what they wear. I have a pattern I got from a friend that I have not made, but could copy it for you and send it to you. It's not made a 'normal' shirt, it's all one piece, with sleeves put on, if that makes any sence. I've been wanting to make it, but cut it in half, so I can adjust for my husband's broad shoulders, just haven't gotten around to it, yet.
-- Wendy A (, April 05, 2002.
Something has happened and I cannot send out any emails. so tot respond to your private one to me, I have to do it here. if you will end me an addy, I'll mail you a copy of what I have. I can recieve emails but cannot send them--- go figure!!
-- Tana mc (, April 05, 2002.