Spokane WA.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My wife and I have considered relocating to acreage in the "Inland Empire" near Spokane. As I can see from reading this forum for several months it is clear that we are not the only ones searching for more independance. We would love to hear from any one who has experience in the area and the lifestyle. Our questions are common Land prices, Jobs, good areas to search etc. We would like to be with in 40 minutes of Spokane. Thank you.
-- Jon Whipple (nicolwhipple@wmconnect.com), April 04, 2002
Hi Jon – Six years ago, my husband, two small children and myself packed our bags and headed to Spokane from north FL. No jobs awaited us in Spokane, but after years of research, we knew that the Spokane area was the place to raise our kids and have a better life for ourselves. Now, six years later, we still pinch ourselves, thinking we need to awaken from a dream.Yes, this region is beautiful, with four distinct pleasant seasons. Price of land varies depending on where you want to be. You can find land within a 30-40 mile radius around Spokane in a price range from 1,000 – 3,000 an acre. It all depends on the area. West is dry land with very little development going on; north, development moving in on farms; east, not much available other than 5-10 acre subdivisions; south, mostly big farms.
Spokane is a growing area, with a decent job market. Pay isn’t on the same scale as larger cities, but neither is the cost of living. It’s a friendly area for the most part, with beautiful parks and not too far from great fishing and skiing (water or snow). The growing season for crops is a little shorter, due to the fact that we are further north, but you can grow just about everything except tropical fruits.
Here’s a couple of websites that you can browse to look at land availability: www.tomlinsonblack.com; www.windermere.com; and www.johnlscott.com There seems to be quite a few people who live the homesteading life in this region and I believe you could too!
All the best to you in your search and if there’s anything else that you might want to ask or if you would like some info mailed to you, just send off an email to me and I’ll be happy to send something your way!
-- Joy in Eastern WA (jparkes@spfarm.com), April 04, 2002.
I grew up in Spokane!! i love it there. it really is beautiful. the people tend to be very conservative which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the issues at hand. in the past, there was very little crime. that has changed and big city problems have arrived. they now have gangs, drugs, and school violence. the economy has always been and will always be sluggish. the reason for that is there are 6 universities/colleges within 30 minutes of the city. Spokane has always had a great pool to draw on for employment so turn over is low. my best friend had to substitute teach for 5 years and earn a special education endorsement to get a full time job with district 81. (remember the rest of the US is hurting for teachers) in spite of it all it is a beautiful, beautiful city. check out www.heartlandritz.com and www.napland.com for land and/or acreage outside of the Spokane area. gl!
-- Najia (najia274@yahoo.com), April 04, 2002.
We moved onto 80 acres about a half hour north of Spokane last summer.See www.javaranch.com/farm for some pics.
We have a good bunch of neighbors. The folks around here are really nice. Even in town!
-- Paul Wheaton (paul@javaranch.com), April 04, 2002.
Great pictures Paul. Can I come and live with you guys? Wow, what a nice place you have.
-- Sheila in NC (nannie@intrstar.net), April 04, 2002.
Thank you, Joy, Najia, Paul. We are sure that this is the area for us! We look all the time and my wife nicol has a Hen house in our back yard already! (We live in a tract house in suburbia W. WA). I have visited your site Paul an must say your place is EXACTLY what we are looking for.Sheila, I agree, You know why we want to be there now.
If anything further comes to mind please feel free to contact the e- mail address provided.
P.S. I will be visiting the area in the late spring for camping and exploring.
-- Jon Whipple (nicolwhipple@wmconnect.com), April 05, 2002.
If you bring a tent, you're welcome to visit. There's lots of work to be done here and we could sure use some help!
-- Paul Wheaton (paul@javaranch.com), April 06, 2002.
Paul,Thanks for the offer we might just take you up on that! I can offer my 8 yr old son as free labor. He is small but doesn't eat much!
-- Jon Whipple (nicolwhipple@wmconnect.com), April 06, 2002.