stock panels for moveable pens Anyway I thought maybe I would : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I wanted to buy some of the 16 foot x 6x6" welded wire panels that I seen on someone's website being used for moveable pig areas (I think Paul's??) but our farm supply stores don't sell them and won't bring them in. I thought maybe I would substitute the reinforcing mesh used on foundation floors. It is 10 gauge wire also in 6x6 in 8' lengths but it is not galvinized! It's relatively inexpensive at $6.70 a panel. Anybody have any opinions on how long they would last, and how tedious would it be if I sprayed them with a rust paint?
-- Terri in NS (, April 03, 2002
I have worked with those panels but not as pens. They are awfully floppy so they might need some heavier bars added for ridgity. Spray painting would probably be too wasteful, I'd roller them.
-- Ross (, April 03, 2002.
I'd use a roller to paint them also, and probably use implement paint. I think they'd work fine. I would guess that they'd last at least 5 years, probably much longer, especially if you are able to get a good protective coating of paint on them.Have you considered temporary electric wire (the poly stuff like Bayguard)and step in posts for your porkers? I've heard that pigs hate pain and are easily confined by electric fence, no personal experience, though!
-- shakeytails in KY (, April 03, 2002.
Hi Terry, we use the cattle & pig panels. The wire mesh panels you mention end up costing about the same as what we pay for a 16ft panel. In KY the panels cost 12.90 for the 34" tall pig panels & 13.50 for 52" tall cattle or combo panels. I love the panels, too bad your supply store won't get them in for you. Is there any feed mills around, ours carries them too, maybe it's just the farm supply place that is being 'pig headed' no pun intended. :) We've used them for everything from dog kennels to hoop houses. Have a great day. Kathy
-- Kathy in KY (, April 04, 2002.
You can use cattle panels for temporary pens for more calm animals, we use them for llamas at shows. Some people will cut them down to 12ft so they travel better. They however dont make good long term primary pens without additional support. You can use T-post. 4 driven into the ground at the midpoints will help with the flex. I have also seen people take 2x4 and cut groves down the middle, Just wide enough for the panel to set in. This way the panel cant flex as much. I would still advise adding a t-post or 2 to help. A lot is going to depend on what your trying to keep in.
-- gary (, April 04, 2002.
Terri, We picked up some rigid metal panels on a trip to the metal scrap yard. My husband was laughing because we were there getting rid of old scrap metal and I was putting panels in the back!!! They only charge you the weight, we still received some money back. So if there is a metal scrap yard check with them, ours had tons of panels. I use one under my chicken roost on supports so they don't scratch, its been there for 8 years and its not galvinized. Still in great shape!!!
-- Suzanne (, April 04, 2002.