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can anyone help me? when u buy a pattern it has several different sizes. how can u use them all. folding the pattern under works on some things but not all. I need to use all the sizes on my patterns. thanks
-- dot (, April 03, 2002
I buy plain tissue paper from the dollar store (the kind for wrapping gifts), then I trace each size individually.
-- Gayle in KY (, April 03, 2002.
I like to use the different sizes too. On some patterns-like folkwear that I love but are fiendishly expensive, I trace the different size patterns off. I use end-roll paper that you can get free from newspaper printing presses. Just use dressmakers paper and wheel and trace the pattern. On some cheap patterns, though, Its worth it to me just to buy a couple of the patterns and cut the different sizes I want.
-- Kelly (, April 03, 2002.
I use a "white pencil" and trace the size needed at neck, armhole, down sides on the fabric. Place pencil under pattern, press pattern down near pencil as you follow the lines.Marie
-- (, April 03, 2002.
I always trace every pattern I buy, for two reasons, First: someone always wants me to make them a dress just like the one I have on, and Two my girls grow awful fast, I cant buy new patterns every few weeks, So I trace them onto grocery sacks ( brown paper) since they get so much use, the brown paper last a bit longer than tissue paper, which I use for mine, as I am a might taller, and abit bigger around than them youngin's... LOL
-- Kristean Thompson (, April 03, 2002.
When I get a pattern that I know I'm going to use a lot I use dressmakers tracing paper and wheel to trace the different sizes on pieces of old sheets or super cheap solid fabric I get at yard sales/flea mkts. After tracing/cutting them out. I keep then im brown manilla envelopes with the pattern taped to the front. Because some of the tissue pieces can just be folded it really doesnt take a lot of time and you get an accurate cut on your good fabric. A good way to patch tissue pieces that are torn is to use Shape-flex interfacing. Its fabric on one side so if the piece is wrinkled you can iron over the patched place. I have a psychotic cat that loves to shred things so if I forget and leave a pattern where she can get to it I need a good patch. This has absolutetly nothing to do with sewing but a dressmakers tracing wheel is wonderful for scoring homemade crackers or the bread for communion at church. Blessings Peggy
-- peggy (, April 04, 2002.
You can also use a knitting needle (the blunt end won't tear as much as an empty ballpoint pen can) to trace onto kraft paper, or butcher paper or paper bags. I don't care as much for newsprint, it yellows too quickly.Another option, for a pattern you use a lot is to by that stuff that looks like interfacing or dryer sheet material, or even use felt.
-- GT (, April 04, 2002.
I learned to alter patterns and then we copied the the patterns on freezer paper. The paper has kept very well. I did some about 20 years ago and they are just like new.
-- Cindy Herbek (, April 07, 2002.