RE: yesterdays public thank you, by : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I asked today, and my wonderful friends agreed to be thanked publically.So I would like to thank Phil and Cheryl McCoy, for building me a GREAT website, and for helping my buisness, by giving it a kick in the butt.... ( can you say butt here??? sorry if I offended anyone.).
For anyone who is wanting to get a site built. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE TO CALL. They are wonderfully talented, and very fast. Mine was proposed yesterday, and almost finished today, would of been done, but I havent finished the product pics yet, so that is my fault.
Thank you for your hard work Cheryl and Phil, you guys are great. I have already had an order from it.....
Oh.... the site addy is:
Check out what a great job they did. ( not soliciting here, just braggin on their hard work...:)
Thanks Kristean
-- Kristean Thompson (, April 03, 2002
Kristean, I wish you all the luck in the world, I really hope this is a great success for you. To Cheryl and Phil, people like you guys are special, well done.Kristean, how did you come up with the seasoning (without giving secrets away!!), is it an old family recipe?
-- Carol K (, April 03, 2002.
Kristean - you are such a sweetie. Thank you for the thank you! :- ) I'm so glad you're already getting orders! That is truly awesome! Now then - for those of you who haven't yet tried her Perfect Pork seasoning, I have to say that you are definitely missing out. It is SUPERB!
-- Cheryl in KS (, April 03, 2002.
Sorry Kristean, but you can't say 'butt' here:^)
-- Gayle in KY (, April 03, 2002.
I came up with the seasonings? , well , My father in law had an old buddy of his out one year ( 'bout 6 years ago ) on fourth of july. He was cooking some ribs, with this dry rub he had made up. Well it tasted REALLY BAD. But I told my hubby that night, He has a good Idea, just not the right spices or technique, so here we are 6 years later.... grilled 10 whole pigs by now, just working on the formula..LOl.... Keeping local pig farmers in buisness...hehehe Well thats my story and Im sticking to it...Kristean
-- Kristean Thompson (, April 03, 2002.
kristean , wow, what a great site, now to get you into a place where you can go to it !got 4 people who asked me about the flyers when i was putting them up , 2 folks took one extra for friends who had property, we'll get you moved yet....
maybe you could start raising your own pork and market your spices.... hmmmmm........
-- Beth Van Stiphout (, April 04, 2002.