Leica M6 TTL - Leica Day Special

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm not a salesman, nor do I have a financial interest in this announcement, but I thought I'd pass on some cost-saving information to potential buyers as a public service to this website.

I just got off the phone with Rich Pinto's Photo Village, at www.photovillage.com Tel: (646) 613-1107

They are having a "Leica Day" next Wednesday, April 10th. And here's the best part:

In addition to the 10% Leica Day discount, all M6 TTL's get an additional $200 rebate from Leica.

The Leica Day discount (10%) does not apply to the M7 and two other products.

So if you want the M6 TTL, now's your chance to get the USA Passport at below the gray market price.

Best wishes,

-- Vikram (VSingh493@aol.com), April 03, 2002


I called him today too. You don't have to be there either to get the good prices.

You can order over the phone tomorrow if you like and he'll put the sale through on the 10th.

No rebates on lenses, just the M6ttl, oh and 10% off

-- Neil (neilsphoto@yahoo.com), April 03, 2002.

As was noted a few times in the posts of the past weeks: If you want to have a new, all mechanical shutter M6 TTL, I sincerely think you had better strike while the iron is hot.

I seriously believe that inventories of this model were never kept at a high level once they knew the M7 was imminent.

Note that there are no rebates on lenses. That would seem to indicate that many "new to Leica buyers" may be being picked up. They need lenses to, but good business practice would be not to give them rebates on them. Not for awhile at least.

I would welcome analysis from others, both pro and con.



-- Jerome R. Pfile, Jr. (JerryPfile@msn.com), April 03, 2002.

well, i wouldn't call it good business practices not to give out any lens rebates. neither good, nor bad. once you give out rebates, the market expects it and discounts for it.

leica usa is simply trying to cut down on their M6 TTL & parts inventory to make space for M7. To keep full inventory of all versions of M6 plus M7 doesn't make economical sense.

But you are right, if you ever wanted a M6 TTL w/ 3 yrs passport - this is the time to get it.


-- pat (modlabs@yahoo.com), April 03, 2002.

for how long is the rebate in effect?? just the day of the leica event??

-- roger michel (michel@tcn.org), April 03, 2002.

leica M6 TTL rebates will be in place for 4-6 months. but timed w/ a leica day at a reputable dealer like rich pinto - hard to beat

-- pat (modlabs@yahoo.com), April 03, 2002.


First let me second your comment concerning Rich Pinto. I've dealt with him a couple of times and he is first rate (and my apologies to him for not saying so in my first post). I first wondered if he realized that he's in NY and not supposed to be that nice.

What I was trying to point out was that I thought it telling that Leica USA was offering rebates on the M6 TTL body only. I couldn't recall prior rebates being offered on only a body and not the lenses within that particular product line, although I may be mistaken in that regard.

To me that said that they wished to purge inventories on a body that probably won't be around any longer as a production item. I know many Leica afficinados may be disappointed by this possibility but if they wish to have a new body with an all mechanical shutter with probably the best warranty around, this may be the last and most economical chance they'll ever have.

I think we'll have a better clue as to the future of the M6 TTL in the coming months. As there are 6 variations of this model counting VF and finish, should individual ones (e.g. 0.58 VF in chrome finish) become "not available", I think the hand writing on the wall becomes clear.



-- Jerome R. Pfile, Jr. (JerryPfile@msn.com), April 04, 2002.

I reckon the M6's of all vintages will keep their value much better than M7s if the R scene is anything to go by (SL, SL2, R6, R6.2 command much better s/h prices than the electronic Rs). But I am prepared to admit the Ms ARE different. The Leica days are as much, I think, an attempt to reward Leica dealers by increasing their trade on Leica days. But it is a good deal. You can get Leica day prices (but no Leica warranty) everyday from Delta International!

-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), April 04, 2002.

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