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My baby asparagus (from seed) are now almost half a foot tall. We are still having frosts, bust since they are a perrenial spring veggie, can I plant them out now? Lows are about 30 degrees, days in the 50's. Zone 5/6Sue
-- Sue (, April 01, 2002
They need to be grown for one summer before they are subjected to freezing. They need time to grow and store food in the roots before they get killed back. Wait untill all danger of frost and then set out. that way they will be strong and supply fresh asparagas for years.
-- David in North Al; (, April 01, 2002.
.Yes, wait to plant until after the last frost -- but you may need to transplant your seedlings into larger pots if they're getting so large -- when do you start them? ambient conditions? etc.
-- Chris in Mich (, April 02, 2002.