drug doseges for pygmies

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Where can i find proper drug dosege for pygmy goats,over-eaters,tetnus etc. must be less than you would dose a dairy animal?

-- Michelle (davmic25 @hotmail.com), April 01, 2002


The dosage for Pygmies on the CD/T is the same as other goats. 2 cc no matter what age. Babies or adults. Other medication is dosed by weight.

-- Wendy (weiskids@yahoo.com), April 01, 2002.

Michelle, think of it this way, we give a 3 week old 20 pound infant 2cc of CD&T, and we also give her 175 pound mom and 200+ Dad the same amount. Sheep, goats or your wee ones all need the 2cc for complete protection including the 21 day booster and boosters either every year............................ or twice a year if you show, or bring in new stock alot. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (Nubians) (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), April 01, 2002.

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